
A couple of months ago Luz went through a long period of very very bad sleep. She would wake up in the middle of the night and stay awake for hours. This pattern went on for about six weeks and it didn't seem to disturb her. Mum and Dad were, on the contrary, forgetting things and bumping into everything, totally exhausted. It went as it came, with no obvious sign of any external factor that would give us a clue as why she wasn't sleeping. Dad has been doing some research and found some interesting things about melatonin related to sleep regulation. It seems children with Luz's chromosome anomaly (and also children with autism) commonly suffer from sleep disorders and many have benefited by taking supplements of melatonin. We haven't tried it but we'll give it a thought if Luz goes through another terrible sleeping spell (it's natural and has no side effects).
"Melatonin, the sleep master"
hola Franka, uf que tremendo agote me imagino, al final todos durmiendo mal,...oye conoci a una mamá con la que creo que podrian compartir algunas experiencias, uno de sus hijos, gemelo de una compañera de Vicente tiene algo similar al austismo, le comente de este blog pero no lee ingles, quizas puedas escribir las entradas en ambos idiomas
un abrazo, me encanta mirar a mis nioños cuando duermen, la luz se ve bella
si seria guúeno in spanish because y don`t understanidng all the words complicated...
beautifull sleep children.
beautifull LIGHT (in english)
carler trasnocher.
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